Atty. Cobleigh is a family law attorney specially trained in Collaborative Law. Collaborative Law is a new and different method for resolving all types of disputes. It is especially suited to resolving family disputes. Collaborative Law takes the focus away from litigation and, instead, focuses on the family. The collaborative counsel and their clients work together to resolve the problems necessary in a divorce, separation, or other family law issue through mutual cooperation, respect, and understanding. Atty. Cobleigh will advocate and negotiate for her client in a way that is respectful, understanding, and fair to the entire family. Litigation is not an option, and it is this important difference that makes Collaborative Law so unique and effective.
In Collaborative Law, the family members and their collaborative attorneys agree to make a good-faith effort to settle all of the issues outside of court. They agree not to go to court until a final agreement is reached. This is accomplished through a series of meetings involving collaborative counsel and clients. Often, other collaborative professionals, such as financial analysts or divorce coaches, are used to resolve complicated issues. Through cooperation and respect, rather than litigation and acrimony, family members can maintain good relations even after the case is over. This is especially important in family law where children or extended family may be involved.